Is Currency Converter+ compatible with Online Store 2.0 themes?

Currency Converter+ is totally compatible with Online Store 2.0 themes so, if you are using one of those themes in your store, the app will convert your prices in all public pages (home page, collection pages, product pages, corporate pages, and the shopping cart page). 

Additionally, if you are using Shopify Payments Multi-currency, prices will also be converted during the checkout process to the currencies configured in your Shopify Multi-currency.

From our preference page you will be able to configure the app as per your convenience (How can I access the app preferences page?). For instance, a top menu button can be displayed or not, a currency drop-down over the prices can be displayed or not, the original prices can be replaced or not, among many other options.

Additionally, in case you don’t manage to make the required configuration, we do offer 24/7 customer service and will be glad to help you with anything you might need.