Has Also Bought been awarded Best App Bargain of 2019?

Also Bought features the most powerful recommendation engine for Shopify, with no limits of number of products, number of orders or traffic of your store. 

Other apps charge commission fees for each order but Also Bought has a flat, predictable monthly fee.

For these reasons, an independent researcher awarded Also Bought as the 'Best App Bargain of 2019':

We understand that there is no scientific definitiion of best, and that some apps are best for some situations and worse for others, but nonetheless we are grateful and proud to see that a study selected Code Black Belt as the Best Shopify Developer and Also Bought as the Best App Bargain.

You can see the details at https://web.archive.org/web/20201028145136/https://manuel.friger.io/blog/shopify-app-store-report-2019