How many recommendations does a customer have to select to get a discount?
Depending on your configuration, discounts will be applied to full bundles or partial bundles.
First of all, please note that the main product always has to be selected to get a discount.
Once this is clear, let's focus on the number of recommendations necessary to get a discount.
Discounts only for full bundles (default configuration)
By default, discounts will be applied if and only if the full bundle is selected.
For example, let's suppose that the number of recommendations configured is 2:
Typically, the app will display two recommendations and will offer a discount:
But if the customer unselects one recommendation, the discount will not be offered:
Discounts for partial bundles
If you want to offer discounts even if the full bundle is not selected, that is, if you want to offer discounts to partial bundles, you can configure the 'Minimum number of recommendations to apply the discount' setting in the app preferences pages.
For example, let's suppose that you want to offer a discount even if only one recommendation is selected.
To achieve this, you can enable the 'Apply the discount even if the full bundle is not selected' and configure a value of 1 for the 'Minimum number of recommendations to apply the discount' setting:
In this scenario, the app will offer a discount even if only one recommendation is selected: