How do I force "compare at" style of a particular price?

Currency Converter+ will automatically detect on most Shopify themes the prices that must be displayed as discounted prices. That is, the prices that must be crossed-out ("compare at" style).

However, in some uncommon cases it is possible that some prices are not recognised as discounted prices. You can always contact us for help but, if you are comfortable with HTML, you can set a jQuery selector for the HTML elements of the prices you want to fix.

You can find it within the Advanced preferences section on app preferences dashboard page:

Once there, go down the page to find the Discounted prices section:

Fill in the Discounted prices field with jQuery selectors pointing to the prices you want to cross-out. 

Use jQuery notation to write the selectors for each use case, for instance, or #discounted-price.

If you want to write two or more selectors, a comma-separated list can be provided. For instance,  #discounted-price, .crossed-out-price