Configuration Options
- Does the currency automatically change depending on the IP connection?
- How do I remove decimals from my prices?
- How to convert prices properly on descriptions
- Can I modify the exchange rates manually?
- How to relocate the Currency Converter+ cart note
- What is the Currency Converter+ cart note?
- Supported money formats
- How to place the menu button differently on desktop and mobile
- Swedish Krona (SEK) format
- What are the options available for Decimal rounding of converted values?
- How to relocate the Currency Converter+ menu button
- How can I configure a menu button to switch currencies?
- How do I prevent conversion of a particular price?
- Can I change the currency drop-down list style?
- Which type of currencies does Currency Converter+ offer?
- How do I force "compare at" style of a particular price?
- Can I show only the currency code instead of the full currency name?
- How do I remove the flag and currency drop-down list of a particular price?
- Can I modify the size of the prices country flag?
- Which cryptocurrencies does Currency Converter+ support?