Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the correct currency symbol position?
- Are prices converted on the checkout pages?
- Does the currency automatically change depending on the IP connection?
- After selecting a currency, it seems that geolocation stopped working
- How do I remove decimals from my prices?
- Can I change the currency displayed by default on my store?
- Can I choose the Shopify Markets Multi-Currency price format?
- Can I modify the exchange rates manually?
- Is my customer data protected? What about GDPR or CCPA?
- How does the 'Show Chooser' feature work?
- How to place the menu button differently on desktop and mobile
- Compatibility with Weglot translation app
- Is Currency Converter Plus compatible with Shopify Markets?
- I sell in multiple currencies with Shopify Markets. Will Currency Converter Plus still be useful?
- Decimal and Thousands Separators
- How does the 'Show country flag' feature works?
- Can I show only the currency code instead of the full currency name?
- Can I change the currency drop-down list style?
- How does the 'Replace prices' feature work?
- Can I convert prices on my Buy Button?