Can I configure a discount to be applied to a manual bundle?

Frequently Bought Together allows you to configure an individual discount for a manual bundle.

You can choose one of the following four different types of discounts to be applied to a manual bundle:

If you want to configure one of these discounts for a manual bundle, go to the apps preferences and click on the Manual bundles' section found on the side panel:

Then look for the manual bundle to which you want to apply a discount, and go to the manual bundle page.

There you will find the option to enable or disable a discount for the bundle; once you enable it, you will see the different discount types and their configuration options below:

Please bear in mind that the discount can be applied only if all the recommendations displayed are manual.

For example, if the customer has to buy 3 recommendations to get a discount, the discount can be applied if:

  • There are at least 3 manual recommendations configured. If you have configured less than 3 recommendations the discount cannot be applied, and if you have configured more than 3 recommendations, the discount will be applied to the 3 recommendations displayed.
  • All the recommendations displayed are manual. If there are 3 manual recommendations and one of them is out of stock the discount cannot be applied, but if there are 4 manual recommendations and one of them is out of stock, the discount will be applied to the 3 recommendations displayed

As long as the manual bundle is available and selected (having in consideration the number of recommendations configured) and the minimum bundle price is reached, the discount will be applied.

By default, discounts will be applied if and only if the full bundle is selected. If you want to offer discounts even if the full bundle is not selected, you can find detailed info at How many recommendations does a customer have to select to get a discount?

In regards to the minimum bundle price, it can be modified inside the discount configuration.