How to change the converted price style in Currency Converter+?

In Currency Converter+ it is possible to change some design properties of the converted prices.

To do so, please find the Converted price section in the app preferences dashboard page. 

You can see there some options to customize the way the converted prices are shown, such as: rounding, show only converted prices or show the currency code.

It is also possible to change the flag size. Please note that you'll need to have the option to Show the country flag enabled to see this change reflected in your store. 

For more advanced customization, please tap on the blue text called "Advanced options for converted prices" to display more style options.

There, you can change the font colour of the converter price, the background colour of the amount box and add some additional styles with CSS code.

You can easily select your preferred colour using the palette tool showed below, or you can copy the colour name/code (hexadecimal value).