Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I modify the size of the prices country flag?
- App auto-configuration on theme publication
- Is Currency Converter+ compatible with Online Store 2.0 themes?
- How does the 'Show currency code' feature works?
- Number of decimals
- How does the 'Show menu button' feature works?
- How to change the menu button style in Currency Converter+
- Can I modify the size of the drop-down chooser country flag?
- Converting prices inside pop-ups and iframes
- Currency Converter+ is converting all numbers and not only the prices
- Do I need to know web design or coding to make configuration changes?
- Is Currency Converter Plus compatible with alternative checkouts?
- What is the difference between Shopify Payments Multi-Currency and Shopify Markets?
- The truth behind Online Speed Tests
- Does Currency Converter+ work on Shopify POS (Point of Sale)?
- How to understand the output of optimisation tools
- Understanding the different warning messages from GTmetrix speed report
- Understanding the different warning messages from PageSpeed Insights speed report
- Do I need to install the app for every theme on my store?
- Are prices converted on 'Thank you' and 'Order status' pages?